martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Was the Sabath a type pointing towards something?

If you read the 10 commandments you can find that all of them are the moral law wich is the reflection of God's character.
If the sabath, as you imply, was a "type" or "shadow" of Jesus, (I don't know if you understand the definition fo those terms) , then why would it be placed in middle of the moral law?.
The moral law of God is eternal, just as is our God, there has alwas been a moral law since the time God has existed, however you'll find in Gal 3:19 another law mentioned as being "added", and is interesting to note that the word "add" in that verse is the same greek word used in Mat. 6:27.
What law was added? the bible answers. "And almost all things are by the LAW purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission." Heb. 9:22
Is this last verse talking about the 10 commandments?, No is talking about the ritual or ceremonial law. the law that was "added" due to the transsgression as is stated in Gal. 3:19
"What purpose then does the law serve? It was added because of transgressions, till the Seed should come to whom the promise was made; and it was appointed through angels by the hand of a mediator."
AS you can read, the pourpose of this law was always to show us the "seed" wich is Christ.
When was this law "added"?. Was it before the transgression? NO, it was after the transgression, it was added due to the transgression
To what was added? It was added to the already existing moral law of Jehova.

Now, read this part.

When was the weekly sabath "MADE"?
"And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done"
"Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and MADE"

It clearly states that the 4th commandment was made in the creation BEFORE the transgression.
Why was the sabbath made?
was it made to show us Christ?
Jesus answers that.
"The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath:
Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. (Mark 2:27-28.)"
If you read this verse, you'll se that he mentions three things
1. The sabath was MADE
2. Jesus is the "lord" of the sabath (SEVENTH DAY).
3. He says "men" is the reason the sabath was made. Not jews, not a type or shadow, not Christ but MEN.

I think you are a sincere chirstian, why to ignore to what the scripture clearly says?
God invites his children to worship "God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and TRUTH.” jOHN 4:24

Why to worship according to men's law?
In Rev. 14:7 says "Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that MADE heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."
How do you worship the creator? the bible answers.
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work,  but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates."
Ex. 20:8-10
May God bless you with knowledge.

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

A response mormons should read

Responses to the blog "A real crisis"

Mike R says:
February 2, 2012 at 10:13 am
Eric, great article. Praise God that Mormons are leaving the Church. [ how we pray that they
won't give up on seeking to know who Jesus really is . Following false prophets can tend to sour
one's attitude towards trusting others ] . What about all the good fruits that Mormons do ?
That has never been the issue ! Faithful people in other churches are just as moral as LDS .
The whole question is the CLAIMS . The claims of Mormonism. Only one man on the earth , a
Mormon, God reveals His decisive directions thru for all others ?Only one Church on earth that
God is pleased with , the Mormon church, all others constitute false religion and possibly the
church of the Devil ? The promise that the Mormon prophet will never teach incorrect doctrine ,
nor lead the Church into believing such ? All these claims (and more) are the whole issue. The
Mormon people are a decent people they’re striving to serve God, but they’ve detoured by
their leaders into embracing false teachings on the vital issues that can affect their eternal
welfare. May they step back and take up a concerted effort to read what Jesus directed His
apostles to preach for the salvation( eternal life ) of all men and women , in the N.T. , these
timeless truths have not been replaced they still direct people to the Savior who still saves
Heb.7 :25Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) .

domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

A friend's comment on the 4TH commandment

For the record, I am not an SDA adherent.  I have never attended their church and do not subscribe to their teachings that are outside of Scripture.  I based my "sabbath keeping" on reading the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation.  

It was 1 John 5:2-3 that really opened my eyes up. By this we know that we love the children of God (we are to love one another), when we love God and obey His commandments.  For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments, and His commandments are not burdensome."

Even Paul says to keep the commandments in 1 Cor 7:19.  The call for the endurance of the saints in Revelation 14:12 - those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.  

Jesus says in 15:10 - If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in His love.  Jesus said He and the Father are One, if you have seen Jesus you've seen the Father.  The Word is God, and was made flesh and dwelt among us.

Once my eyes were opened, I saw it all over the NT. Jesus kept the Sabbath, Paul kept the Sabbath, the NT saints kept it too.  I am familiar with the proof texts in Colossians and Romans 14 that seem to make the 4th commandment not important. But consider Deuteronomy 13:5.  Basically, if a prophet comes and makes you leave the way in which the LORD your God commanded you to walk, purge the evil person from your midst.  This was "the test" for false prophets and teachers back in the day of Jesus and Paul.  Remember the times Jesus was tested by the Pharisees?  They asked him questions about the Torah (law), trying to trap Him so they could stone Him as a false teacher or prophet.  He came to fulfill the law - teach it fully and properly. That's what the word means.  To destroy a word is to teach it improperly, to destroy it's intended purpose.

I hope this is a blessing to someone.  God wants us to obey Him. Jesus died on the cross to wipe away the sins of His people, sins defined as breaking Torah.  How is that any different than our call to obey? If not, then whom are we to obey? 

miércoles, 10 de septiembre de 2014

De mormon a Cristiano parte 2 - El por que realizo éstos blogs

En mi anterior post hice una pequeña introducción acerca de quien soy, ahora me gustaría exponer el propósito de realizar éstos blogs.
En primer lugar espero que a través de éstos posts muchas almas puedan beneficiarse de los descubrimientos en cuanto a mi fe que he tenido hasta éste punto de mi vida y que seguro seguire teniendo.
Se que el espíritu de Cristo es un espíritu misionero, cuando conoces a Cristo en tu vida lo primero que te nace es querer compartir lo grandioso que es conocer a Dios y quieres que otros puedan también participar del gozo de nacer de nuevo.
De la misma manera que llegamos a ver la luz y descubrir que vivimos en tinieblas pensamos (tal vez ingenuamente) que tódos estan dispuestos y podrán llegar a conocer lo que el Señor nos va mostrando.
Con ése espíritu, me he acercado a debatir con muchas personas de manera personal y a traves de internet acerca de lo que Dios nos muestra en su palabra de lo que realmente quiere de nosotros. Mi experiencia al intercambiar opiniones ha sido de gran ayuda y gran bendicion. He recibido preguntas que me han hecho cuestionarme mis creencias, los propósitos de Dios, su caracter y a medida que he ido leyendo la biblia he encontrado las respuestas que pienso que todos deberiamos evaluar y considerar.
¿Estoy equivocado por buscar la verdad? ¿Estoy equivocado por analizar no solo mi fe sino la de los demás?
Una vez un pastor dijo que no deberiamos pensar que estamos "equivocados" sino que simplemente todos estamos en un proceso de "aprendizaje", cuando estabamos en primaria y aprendimos a sumar, restar, multiplicar, leer y escribir, pensamos que ya aprendimos todo lo que necesitamos aprender, pero entonces subimos a otro nivel donde tuvimos que ampliar nuestros horizontes y seguir aprendiendo, y cuando terminemos seguimos a otros niveles que nos ayudaron a crecer hasta alcanzar nuestra formación profesional y personal.
De la misma manera, nuestro lado espiritual necesita crecer y seguir aprendiendo, mientras más sabemos más preguntas surgen y mas nos damos cuenta que nos falta mucho por aprender.

Examinadlo todo; retened lo bueno.
I Tesalonicenses 5:21 (Reina Valera)

domingo, 7 de septiembre de 2014


Mi nombre es Boris Molina, soy cristiano, imperfecto, pero cristiano, pertenezco a la iglesia Adventista del Séptimo día, antes era un mormón o miembro de la "Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos días", la transición de un iglesia a otra a sido el resultado de haber estudiado la biblia y ser guiado por el Espíritu Santo para comprender la voluntad de Dios.
He tratado de hablar con miembros mormones sobre las falsas enseñanzas de aquella iglesia y cuando les digo que yo antes era mormón generalmente me insultan y no creen que haya sido un mormón, así que a continuación pongo una fotografía del día que me bauticé en la IJSUD
Si bien es cierto que la IJSUD tiene muchas virtudes y cualidades que deben ser alabadas, su organización, la infraestructura de su capillas y templos, el modo de predicar el evangelio que predican, etc. lastimosamente sus doctrinas son muy contrarias a aquellas que enseña la palabra de Dios.
Algunos se preguntarán ¿Puede una organización como la de los mormones no ser la verdadera iglesia de Cristo?
La biblia nos dice que estos últimos tiempos habrían muchos que andarían de acuerdo a "sus propias concupiscencias", apartando su oído para escuchar falsas doctrinas y por sobre todo que Satanas y sus ministros se visten como "ángeles" de luz y que el mismo Satanás se sienta en el templo haciéndose pasar por Dios.
Así que no podemos guiarnos por las apariencias externas de una organización para juzgarla como la verdadera, Dios a través de su palabra nos ha dado la pautas y direcciones para descubrir cuál es el verdadero pueblo de Dios en medio de tantas iglesias y juzgarlas por sus edificios o su organización, o cuan limpios se visten no son parte de ellas.
El objeto de éstos blogs es el de registrar mi viaje a través de mis experiencias con las diferentes creencias y denominaciones y tal vez analizarlas y entenderlas, y si he juzgarlas deberé hacerlo " a la luz de la palabra de Dios".
Juan 7:24 No juzguéis según las apariencias, sino juzgad con justo juicio.