martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

A response mormons should read

Responses to the blog "A real crisis"

Mike R says:
February 2, 2012 at 10:13 am
Eric, great article. Praise God that Mormons are leaving the Church. [ how we pray that they
won't give up on seeking to know who Jesus really is . Following false prophets can tend to sour
one's attitude towards trusting others ] . What about all the good fruits that Mormons do ?
That has never been the issue ! Faithful people in other churches are just as moral as LDS .
The whole question is the CLAIMS . The claims of Mormonism. Only one man on the earth , a
Mormon, God reveals His decisive directions thru for all others ?Only one Church on earth that
God is pleased with , the Mormon church, all others constitute false religion and possibly the
church of the Devil ? The promise that the Mormon prophet will never teach incorrect doctrine ,
nor lead the Church into believing such ? All these claims (and more) are the whole issue. The
Mormon people are a decent people they’re striving to serve God, but they’ve detoured by
their leaders into embracing false teachings on the vital issues that can affect their eternal
welfare. May they step back and take up a concerted effort to read what Jesus directed His
apostles to preach for the salvation( eternal life ) of all men and women , in the N.T. , these
timeless truths have not been replaced they still direct people to the Savior who still saves
Heb.7 :25Open in Logos Bible Software (if available) .

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