martes, 30 de junio de 2015

Have I ever prayed about the book of Mormon?

Many Mormon friends have been asking me if I had ever prayed and asked if the book of Mormon was true or not, for those who keep asking me about this matter I’d like to share with you my answer and testimony in this short article.

But before going any further, I’d like to ask you something to keep in your thoughts.
Have you ever prayed asking if the Bible it’s true or not before asking about the book of Mormon? Something tells me you haven’t. So, ask yourselves - Why not?.

Well, now this is my answer to your question .  Have I ever prayed about the book of Mormon?. YES I have!. I prayed and asked!. Now, many Mormons might be eager to hear about what kind of response I’ve got. Well, I won’t disappoint you. I must admit that I felt something in my being, some kind of heat going through my body. The interesting thing about my experience is, that I didn’t “feel it” while I was praying about the book of Mormon but it was while I was reading and asking about the bible and trying to understand it. Isn't that interesting?

After this “mystic” experience, I decided the LDS church was the true church and I asked to be baptized which they did. However, after a brief time being a newly Mormon member I decide that I had to share my experience with other people and went into talking with other no Mormon friends who also were Christians from different denominations and ask them how they knew their church was the true church. What do you think I found out?. Well, I realized many no mormon Christians had more or less the same kind of experience I had, some would say they “felt” their church was the true church, others would say they “felt” God had led them to be here or there after having prayed about it.

Wow, I was confused; Mormons weren’t the only ones using the method of being guided by “impressions” in their hearts which they interpreted as responses from the Holy Spirit. If others could use the same method and could have the same response I had, How could I know if I really was in the true church?, What if the others were in the true church? I started to ask questions to other members and leaders in the chapel, but none of them could give a clear answer. Some tried to say they just “knew it”, they didn’t know how, others went to point out that the difference was in how pure was my heart at the time of asking then that would mean my response was the right one. All of these aids were no help at all but more confusing. How could I have had a pure heart if the reason I had to go to Christ in the first place is I had feeling myself a sinner seeking for forgiveness? It just didn’t make any sense. How could I have had a pure heart if the only way to have one was not having ever committed a sin and I knew I was a plain sinner?
On the other hand, How could I judge and know for sure if other people had purer heart and had the right answer?

Thank God he gave me a great desire to read the bible, in middle of my troubles and perplex thoughts I felt this urgent need to read the bible and study it. What I had found was astonishing; it was like having my thirst satisfied, I had noticed the apostles and even Jesus himself talking about something called “faith”, and even myself wanted to have the same kind of faith. - How could I have that “faith”?  - I wondered. I knew the answer would be in the bible. I kept reading the bible and I found Romans 10:17

The “Word of God”, that was it, the proper way to have faith was just to trust in God’s promises. Like Abraham, he just believed God’s promises, he trusted God, he trusted his promises and I had many promises for me in the bible. In some other part of the bible I found “the righteous will live by faith”, Wow, that was a huge “revelation” in my life, it didn’t say “by feelings” or “by receiving impressions” it was just by trusting the promises of god in his word, by faith.

It all started to make sense, and in other part I found Jeremy 17:9 “deceitful is the heart”
Could I trust my heart?, could I trust the impressions in my heart? How could I make a difference between impression of my heart and the spirit? How can I know if what I feel is true or not? The answer was NO, I can’t trust my heart! Is deceitful. The bible kept giving me asnwers . Psalms 119:105
When we walk in darkness we use a lamp to bring light to our path, I realized that in middle of my own darkness the bible was being my light. The “prophetic word” in which we rely and we do good in listen to it. The Bible has been ever since my light and the Holy Spirit has helped me understand these issues.
You my dear friend, may not be able to understand nor believe me, but God is witness that what I say is true, and this is my testimony for you, “the word of life” has power to give us faith and assurance that we walk the right path.

Isaia 8:20

The bible is and always will be the guide and rule of faith for the true Christian. Again, I tell you, do not believe me if you don’t want to, I ask you to pray and ask God if the teachings of the bible are true or not. Ask God to know if the bible is not reliable, with out fear nor doubt go and ask your creator.
Truly yours.
B Molina